This document, prepared by the “LİKİTGAZ DAĞITIM VE ENDÜSTRİ A.Ş.” Personal Data Protection Committee, provides information about the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data and outlines the company’s practices within the scope of the law. The application of this document has been in effect since 07.10.2016.

The relevant units regarding the implementation within the scope of Law No. 6698 are as follows.

Company Address: OYAK Dragos Plaza, Cevizli Mahallesi, Tugay Yolu Caddesi No:10 C Blok Kat:14-15-16 Maltepe/İstanbul

Phone: 0216 265 43 00

Fax: 0216 265 43 05



As LİKİTGAZ DAĞITIM VE ENDÜSTRİ A.Ş. being one of the leading companies in the industry, has provided detailed information below as the data controller regarding the protection of personal data in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, which grants the right to demand the protection of personal data, and the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data, which regulates this matter.

This information includes the processing of personal data of all natural third parties other than our current and potential customers and employees, the accurate and up-to-date retention and protection of personal data, the deletion or anonymization of personal data in accordance with relevant legislation, the measures taken in this regard, the legal entities to whom and for what purposes personal data can be transferred, the methods for the data subject to exercise their rights regarding personal data, and our company’s practices on these matters.


Article 20/1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey: “Everyone has the right to the protection of personal information and data concerning themselves.”

Article 20/2: ‘This information can only be used based on the explicit consent of the individual or a legitimate reason prescribed by the law. Everyone has the right to access the information collected or recorded about themselves, to request corrections to such information, and to learn whether this information is being used for its intended purposes.’

Article 20/3: ‘Personal data can only be processed in cases specified by the law or with the explicit consent of the individual. The principles and procedures regarding the protection of personal data shall be regulated by the law

KVK No. 6698 Article 4/1: “Personal data shall only be processed in compliance with procedures and principles laid down in this Law or other laws.”

Our company has undertaken to show due diligence in the processing and protection of personal data in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey and the general principles set out in Law No. 6698. Protection of personal data is among the important priorities of our company.

Detailed information is provided below regarding our Company’s data processing practices in line with the general principles described above;

  • Compliance with the law and fairness,
  • Accuracy and, where necessary, up-to-date,
  • Processing for specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes,
  • Processing that is relevant, limited, and proportionate to the purposes,
  • Retention for the period necessary or required by applicable regulations for the purposes of processing.


In line with the general principles described above, our company, which operates in all matters included in the articles of association of LİKİTGAZ DAĞITIM VE ENDÜSTRİ A.Ş.” especially in LPG Distribution and Marketing, collects and processes your personal data verbally, in writing or electronically for reasons such as LPG Law No. 5307, KVKK (Energy Market Regulatory Authority), Revenue Administration, and all other relevant institutions’ regulations and relevant legislation, as well as dealership agreements and all other contracts concluded by our company, our employee candidates, customers or potential customers, business partners, visitors.

Your personal data will be used primarily for the purposes of providing services, improving the quality of existing services, reporting with our company’s sales and marketing activities, ensuring information security, fulfilling legal obligations and fulfilling information obligations in relation to our company’s fields of activity. Your personal data will not be used for any other purpose without your explicit consent.

However, in Article 5/2 of the Law No. 6698;

(2) Personal data may be processed without seeking the explicit consent of the data subject only in cases where one of the following conditions is met:

  1. a) It is expressly provided for by the laws.
  2. b) It is necessary for the protection of life or physical integrity of the person himself/herself or of any other person, who is unable to explain his/her consent due to the physical disability or whose consent is not deemed legally valid.
  3. c) Processing of personal data of the parties of a contract is necessary, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of the contract.

ç) It is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject.

  1. d) Personal data have been made public by the data subject himself/herself.
  2. e) Data processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise or protection of any right.
  3. f) Processing of data is necessary for the legitimate interests pursued by the datacontroller, provided that this processing shall not violate the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject.

In cases foreseen by the legislation like above, processing of your personal data is possible without explicit consent.


In Article 6/1 of the KVK Law No. 6698, special categories of personal data are listed (race, ethnic origin, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, appearance and dress, association, foundation or trade union membership, health, sexual life, criminal conviction and security measures, and biometric and genetic data) According to Article 6/2, special categories of personal data listed by our company are not processed without the explicit consent of the person concerned.

Within the scope of Article 6/3 of the KVK Law, data other than health and sexual life can only be processed without explicit consent in cases stipulated by law, by taking necessary and adequate measures.


Your data processed by our company for the purposes specified in this text in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 6698 and other relevant laws shall be deleted, destroyed or anonymized by the data controller of our company ex officio or upon the request of the person concerned in the event that the reasons requiring its processing disappear, as specified in Article 7/1 of Law No. 6698. In addition, our company will carry out the necessary work in accordance with the regulations to be issued regarding the implementation of Article 7/1.


Pursuant to Article 8/1 of Law No. 6698, your personal data will not be transferred without the explicit consent of the person concerned. However, by taking the necessary security measures within the scope of Article 8 of the KVK, it can be transferred to group companies or third companies or 3rd real persons in accordance with the lawful personal data processing purposes.

Again, data transfer is also made without the consent of the personal data owner, provided that adequate measures are taken in the matters mentioned in Article 8/2-a-b of the KVK.

Pursuant to Article 9/1 of Law No. 6698, personal data shall not be transferred without the consent of the data subject. However, pursuant to Article 9/3, after the countries with adequate protection are determined and announced by the KVK Board, the explicit consent of the data subject will not be sought, provided that the data controllers in Turkey and in the relevant foreign country undertake adequate protection in writing and the consent of the board is obtained, provided that there is adequate protection in the foreign country to which the personal data will be transferred or in the absence of adequate protection in the presence of one of the paragraphs 5/2 and 6/3 of the article.

Our Company undertakes to act in accordance with Articles 8 and 9 regarding the transfer of personal data and the transfer of personal data abroad.


In accordance with Article 10 of the Law No. 6698, our company informs personal data owners in obtaining personal data. Pursuant to Article 20 of the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey and Articles 10 and 11 of the Law No. 6698, personal data owners who have the right to be informed about their personal data, correction and request are informed by our company upon request and necessary information is also provided, especially on the official website of the company.


Personal data subjects;

  1. a) to learn whether his/her personal data are processed or not,
  2. b) to demand for information as to if his/her personal data have been processed,
  3. c) to learn the purpose of the processing of his/her personal data and whether these personal

data are used in compliance with the purpose,

ç) to know the third parties to whom his personal data are transferred in country or abroad,

  1. d) to request the rectification of the incomplete or inaccurate data, if any,
  2. e) to request the erasure or destruction of his/her personal data under the conditions referred to in Article 7,
  3. f) to request reporting of the operations carried out pursuant to sub-paragraphs (d) and (e) to third parties to whom his/her personal data have been transferred,
  4. g) to object to the occurrence of a result against the person himself/herself by analyzing the data processed solely through automated systems,

ğ) to claim compensation for the damage arising from the unlawful processing of his/her personal data

Personal data owners may request their personal data through personal application, written application through a notary public and application to the personal data controller via our website Likitgaz Dağıtım ve Endüstri A.Ş

The evaluation of the rights of personal data owners is made free of charge as soon as possible or within 30 days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request, in accordance with Article 13 of Law No. 6698. If the requested transaction requires an additional cost, the tariff fee to be determined by the board will be requested.


Our company takes the necessary legal, technical and administrative measures for the processing and security of personal data in accordance with the law and shows due diligence in this regard.

In this regard, necessary measures are taken and implemented in the matters listed in Article 12 of Law No. 6698. In this regard;

* Company employees are informed that the personal data obtained in line with the purpose of activity will not be disclosed to third parties in accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data and will not be used contrary to its purpose and that this obligation continues after leaving their duties and the necessary undertakings are obtained in this regard.

* Our Company takes necessary administrative, legal and technical measures to prevent unlawful processing and unlawful access to personal data and to protect the data.

* Our company takes the necessary measures at the highest level within the technological possibilities to prevent the processing of personal data, storage in secure environments, loss or alteration.

*Our company performs its own audits in accordance with Article 12 of the Law on Protection of Personal Data.

Despite taking all necessary precautions, if the personal data processed by our company is obtained by others through illegal means, our company will notify the data subject and the Personal Data Protection Authority about this situation.

Third parties who share their personal data with our company acknowledge and declare that they are responsible for the accuracy and up-to-date storage of this data and for any liabilities arising from the lawful sharing of personal data within the scope of Law No. 6698. You can notify us at for the correction and/or updating of your personal data shared with our company.


According to Article 13/1 of Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data, the relevant individual is required to submit their requests related to the implementation of this law in writing or through other methods determined by the authority to our company.

Points to consider in the application:

  • Necessary information to identify the identity of the data subject,
  • Clear indication of which right specified in Article 11 of Law No. 6698 they wish to exercise.
  • Upon providing the above information to our company, your request will be promptly responded to.

Application method:

You can submit your request containing explanations related to the right you wish to exercise from the rights specified in Article 11 of the KVKK in the following ways:

By filling out the application form accessible at, and delivering the signed copy of the form in person to the address ‘Cevizli Mahallesi, Tugay Yolu Caddesi No:10 C Blok Kat:14-15-16 Maltepe/İstanbul’ with identity-identifying documents, By sending the form through a notary or other methods specified in the KVKK, By sending the same form to  with a secure electronic signature. Applications and requests that do not comply with the methods specified above or determined by the Personal Data Protection Authority will not be considered by our company in order to ensure data security.